Publisher Help with Website Graphics and Links



Also when I upload it as MHTML everything works fine, but others have trouble
viewing it, not sure why it works fine as a MHTML and not a Regular HTML.


I think I have figured out the issue but I don't know how to resolve it. It
seems to me that all the graphics and links are looking for the files in and not Anyone have any idea
how to fix this?



Your links to your images are incorrect:

You have:
<v:imagedata src=""
o:title="American Eagles"/>

Should not be ftp --- should be pointing
to where the images are loaded



I agree and understand that is the problem but how do I fix it, I didn't
create the file that produced that publisher does it automatically. I
simply inserted the graphics into the page via File Insert Picture and then I
go to the Publish to the Web and I upload it to the ftp site.


I have fixed the links problem but I have no clue how to fix the Images not
showing up problem.


Publisher is automatically referencing the ftp site that I upload too and not
the http site where the items are actually stored, how do I resolve this, I
had the same problem with the links but I was able to work around that by
hyperlinking to the actual web address instead of linking it to a page in the



You have stumped me !

Have you tried to create another NEW web page to see if that also creates
the same code? Something simple, one page one image.

Have you changed any settings in publisher?

Have you published a web page with your publisher in the past that worked?

With these questions answered hopefully someone will chime in with some



It seems to me that publisher when referencing image locations uses the same
location that you upload to, in my case I upload to an
for which I have to enter a username and password, but the actual http
location for any files I upload is
then the file. I have been searching all afternoon and can't seem to find
any help with this I have found where others have had the same problem but in
the answers they got I didn't find any solution to the problem. I have used
Publisher 2000 many times and had no issues at all, this is the first time I
have tried to use Publisher 2003 because they upgraded and I no longer have
Publisher 2000.



Two possibilities come to mind. Are you using a Master Page in your web
publication? View > Master Page. If so, move all those design elements
and/or images onto the main page. Don't use a Master Page in a Publisher
web...makes things go hinky, and one of those manifests as writing links to
the images as ftp instead of http.

The second thought comes from your comment about using Pub 2000
successfully. Pub 2000 did not use a subfolder to contain the support
graphics and images. Go to Tools > Options > Web tab and uncheck "Organize
supporting files in a folder". Now Publisher will produce all your files,
you index.htm file and other .htm files plus your images, etc. loose and at
the same level in the directory.

Try those two things, and let us know if either helps.



When you say that THEY upgraded to 2003, WHO is they? Is publisher 2003 on
your computer or are you using it on a network? Grasping for straws as to
why the htm files have ftp in the image links.


Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

<base href=home>
<link rel=File-List href="">


Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression


Not using a master page, and I did uncheck the folder box. My employer
upgraded from 2000 to 2003. I was able to get a copy of 2000 and install it



OK on the master page.

You have at least two solutions. If you want to use Pub 2003 to produce your
site, then go to Tools > Options > Web tab and uncheck "Organize supporting
files in a folder". Now Publisher will produce all your files, your
index.htm file (your home page) and the other .htm files plus your images,
etc. loose and at the same level in the directory....just like Pub 2000
does. You can upload those files all to the same level in your host
directory, and I would expect that your site will work just fine.

Your second option is to keep using Pub 2000 to produce your site.
Personally I prefer Pub 2000 for web work. It uses a different html coding
engine that produces a more basic, less bloated code that is cross browser
compatible. I would ask you what is it that you were hoping to do different
with Pub 2003 that you couldn't with 2000? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Pub 2003 does have some advantages and disadvantages so since you have both,
keep both. Just do a custom install, and install the second version in it's
own folder, and watch for the option to not overwrite the other version.
That way you can use the best features of each version.


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