Publisher - low google rankings???



Dear Dave,

I started a little research on our website with
regard to what Google was seeing when indexing our pages. I noticed that if
you look at google's cached text, it misses all text in all text boxes. In
fact google only sees links. Am I to believe that if you publish to the web
with publisher, your text will not be part of google's crawl?

If not, what am I misssing. Have a look at:

Which is google's cached only text of our site. If this is all google
sees, there's never going to be any chance of high rankings in google.

Please explain.


David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

I can't explain how google works exactly, if I could I'd likely be a rich

I can tell you however that when I search in google on it does
get a hit which tells me the site is indexed and the return I got was...

Streetglo Reflective helmet decals Reflective helmet sticker ...
Streetglo Reflective helmet decals and Reflective helmet stickers for
graphic. Custom sticker, pinstriping and vehicle graphics. Helmet flame
decals ...

which clearly illustrates that text on the page was spidered.

additionally when I click the google cache link on the results page the
cache page I get is a complete page.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

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