Publisher not recognizing auto duplex printer



Hopefully someone can help, I have a Lanier 5813 with Fiery graphics system
and this unit is an auto duplex copier/printer. Every time I try to setup or
print my publication, it tells me the printer has not been set up for duplex
printing and runs thru a manual set up routine. The system is an automatic
duplexer yet publisher can not seem to recognize this. The settings all show
up in the properties dialogue box when printing yet two separate sheets of
paper come out with only one side printed. Does any body have any ideas?



Thanks for the reply Mary,

Yes I downloaded the actuall driver for WinXP on their site for my specific
printer, all the settings in the printer properties has the duplex option
available, I set everything up for duplex printing yet Publisher considers
manually. This would be ok for small print jobs but I plan to have very
large "merged data" print jobs that would be a nightmare trying to keep
sorted correctly if trying to do one side at a time.
Tony Hager
ERA Cornerstone Realty
Denton - Dallas - Fort Worth

Mary Sauer said:
Is your driver current?
Have you read the support documents at the Lanier web site?


I have spoken to Lanier about this issue and they agree with me that
something in Microsoft Publisher is overriding the Print driver. The driver
itself is set correctly as it gives the options in the "properties" section
to select duplex printing, yet once this is selected, publisher goes back to
attempting to do it manually and not recognizing the auto feature.

BigT said:
Thanks for the reply Mary,

Yes I downloaded the actuall driver for WinXP on their site for my specific
printer, all the settings in the printer properties has the duplex option
available, I set everything up for duplex printing yet Publisher considers
manually. This would be ok for small print jobs but I plan to have very
large "merged data" print jobs that would be a nightmare trying to keep
sorted correctly if trying to do one side at a time.


I am using Pub 2007, it Simply amazes me a program the caliber of Publisher
and it will not use standard features of a high powered copier. Thanks for
your time Mary and all your help.


I have had no trouble printing duplex on my HP that's 2-3 years old.
I've used it with XPHome/Pub03 and with XPPro/Pub07.

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