Publisher or Front Page


Old Fart

Hi, Normally I prepare a basic newsletter in Publisher.
I want to put the newsletter up as a web site.
What is the easy way for someone who doesn't know what they are doing.
I have Publisher 2000. Also Publisher and Front Page 2003.
Do I prepare and save in Publisher, then cut and paste to Front Page?

Old Fart

What I really meant to say below was,
do I need go to Front page?
Can I just prepare in Publisher, then save as a web file and send to my site

Andrew Murray

You can do so......but its not recommended.


Publisher doesn't produce standards compliant (W3C) code and leans in favour
of IE more than any other browser due to IE's "support" of WordArt and the
drawing objects. (boxes and shapes etc).

In print publishing this doesn't matter, but online it is a bigger issue.
Other browsers besides IE will not display the WordArt very well (if at

Recommendation is to start from scratch in Frontpage and produce the
newsletter there rather than copy & pasting or saving the Publisher file as

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