Publisher Publish-to-Web Mess


Dr. Gary

Hi. I just resubscribed to this forum.
I just upgraded from Pub 2K to 2003. I was having no problems publishing my
website to the web using CuteFTP prior to the upgrade. Now, it's a
disaster. There seems to be a lot of changes in the manner of saving as a
Is there information on your website, David, about website publishing with
2003. If so, a URL please. Otherwise, anyone have any words of wisdom?
Here's what happens:
The website has 118 pages (I know, way too big). I set under "web page
options"|"options"| and tick "organize supporting files in a folder" and
"enable incremental publish to the web"|"OK". I name page one "index" per
my hosts instructions.

I click on File|Publish to the Web| which publishes the website to two files
"Kirsten_files" and "Kirsten.html". There is no "index" page anywhere,
despite my naming page one "index." The file name is Kirsten, saved as web
page, filtered.
I then go to CuteFTP and access the site, removing the old files and then
uploading the two files into the www folder on the site. However, now I
can't find the "index" file. And, the pages and graphics are all numbered
strangely rather than how they were in 2000. They are numbered with four an
five digit numbers. When I go to the website after uploading, all the
graphics are missing and I can only access the first page. None of the
directory links work.
OK, so what am I doing wrong???

David Bartosik - MS MVP

Hi. I just resubscribed to this forum.
I just upgraded from Pub 2K to 2003. I was having no problems publishing my
website to the web using CuteFTP prior to the upgrade. Now, it's a
disaster. There seems to be a lot of changes in the manner of saving as a
Is there information on your website, David, about website publishing with
2003. If so, a URL please. Otherwise, anyone have any words of wisdom?
Here's what happens:
The website has 118 pages (I know, way too big). I set under "web page
options"|"options"| and tick "organize supporting files in a folder" and
"enable incremental publish to the web"|"OK". I name page one "index" per
my hosts instructions.

refer to my response to Brandi's post today.

I click on File|Publish to the Web| which publishes the website to two files
"Kirsten_files" and "Kirsten.html". There is no "index" page anywhere,
despite my naming page one "index." The file name is Kirsten, saved as web
page, filtered.

you answered your issue in your last sentence.
you name the file kirsten then that's what you get.

the publish to web file name defaults to index.htm for a reason.
if you over-ride that it will over-ride the page name option.

you can save the pub file as but the publish save has to be

I then go to CuteFTP and access the site, removing the old files and then
uploading the two files into the www folder on the site. However, now I
can't find the "index" file.

kirsten_files is not a file, it's a folder and that folder contains
everything except the home page. which in your case is the file kirsten.htm
If you upload with Publisher and not a 3rd party tool you'll be sure to have
a files needed.
refer to

And, the pages and graphics are all numbered
strangely rather than how they were in 2000. They are numbered with four an
five digit numbers. When I go to the website after uploading, all the
graphics are missing and I can only access the first page. None of the
directory links work.

you failed to upload the files in the sub-folder, refer to everything I said

David Bartosik - MS MVP
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