Publisher Web page no longer previews correctly



I designed a web page in Publisher 2003 and previewed it a few weeks ago. It
showed accurately the design, including graphics and layout. Now, 2 weeks
later, when I preview the page, IE does not display the graphics and the
single hyperlink (normally in the middle of the page) shows at the top of
the page.

All of the graphics files are correctly parented (in the index_files
folder). Even if I launch the index.htm outside of Publisher, the graphics
do not show. The About shows I'm using IE 7.0.5. and this is on a laptop.
All commercial sites that I browse DO display correctly.

I'm wondering, has Microsoft released some IE updates recently that have
screwed up the display of Publisher files?


There was a Office 2003 SP3 in the last few weeks. Unfortunately it isn't
clear about what if anything it changed in Pub 2003, but it could directly
or indirectly affect Publisher. If you had your computer to automatically
update, then that patch might be the problem.

Other people have reported problems previewing Pub web pages with IE7, but
that was shortly after it was introduced, with no recent complaints.

I suspect the problem is that both the Office 2003 SP3 patch and IE7 have
changed the security settings somehow to create the problem. If you aren't
running Vista, then you can roll back to IE6 by uninstalling IE7 through Add
and Remove. I don't know if you can remove the SP3 patch, but you could look
for it under add and remove and try.

I would also suggest that you download and install the most recent version
of FireFox, and test your html files with that browser. It is a small
download, and if the page previews correctly, that will at least help narrow
down the problem.

You might also try to do a system restore back to before any patches were

Its aggravating when MSFT tries to patch some things only to break other
things. I must admit that I have turned off the automatic updates, and
refuse to install the patches unless I absolutely have to. I am not
recommending this, but I am much more willing to risk security issues than
take the chance of breaking something.

Please post back with whatever you try and with any solutions you might
find...or not find. I am sure if you are having this problem then it will
create problems for others. Thanks.


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