There are two solutions for this dependiing on which version of Publisher
you used to create the website. Publisher 2002 and previous; one soluttion
and Publisher 2003 and later, the second. I'm guessing you use the second
version. See below:
Don a Publisher 2000 website
Vancouver, USA
A Donald Canned Response -
Thanks to "Spike" who has given us this:
The fix to center pages using publisher 2003 and 2007
Publish to your hard drive
Edit the htm file(s) and replace </head> with
</head><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"
(All on one line)
If you are using a page width different than 760 pixels change that number
in the above line
If you have multiple pages you might want to look at ReplaceInFiles program,
available at,
<> a simple replace lines in multiple htm &
html files.
Then ftp the files to your ISP