publisher yields very slow loading websites?!



my site is chock full of pictures and it
loads up very slow. I've already resized
the pictures but even still it is slow.
Most if not all are jpegs averaging
about 30-60kb each after reduction.
Any input would be appreciated..
if you want to visit the site and see for


David Bartosik - MS MVP

If you review the content in this newsgroup you'll find that Pub differs
greatly by version. I would need to know your version to give you any
available input.
I can at least tell it's either 2002 or 2003. If the prior I would need to
know if you installed the service packs 1 and 2 as documented on my site.
I did note you are using a background sound, that in itself will greatly add
to load time.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:


hi and thank for your reply.
am using Publisher 2003.
with or without .mid file, still loads slow.
I did the same page with PUB 2002 with
similar slow results but was unaware of any
SP for publisher. In any case, i will stick
to pub 2003 and hope there will be a solution
for speeding up the site. I may redo the site
and have images converted to thumbnails.

David Bartosik - MS MVP

If you review past postings you'll see that I've been asking for pub2003
Publisher 2003 introduced pngs with vml and there can be some image issues.
I'd have to obtain your pub file and test and review it for this issue and
possibly make suggestions.
if you can send me your pub file address it to
(e-mail address removed)

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

Chris Schatte

Have you thought of using less pictures per page? Maybe show different views of the product on each with a continue--> or see more--> (link to next page) below your graphics? This alone can speed the load process per page. If you continue to "shrink" your graphics down so they will all load on one page, you will defeat your purpose of highlighting your product.
And, David has a good point on the incorporated music files increasing load times, with many graphics.....

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