Publishing 6-page Response Form on Web Site



Using IE8, Publisher 2003, IPower ISP, web site name:
After completing 6 pages of an acceptance application at the very end of the
web site to be sent to an email address after clicking the SUBMIT button, I
tested the form by completing a few boxes. 1) I received an error 404
message; and 2) when I tabbed to go to the next box, the tab skipped some

I have no problems publishing the 14-page site without the application. I
have tried adding the application page titles to the nav bar, but received
the same error message.



Put the form all on one page. Make the page longer if necessary.

You will have to install FrontPage Server Extensions on your server to get
the Publisher form to work in its default setting. If your host does not
support FPSE, then you will have to change the form properties to point
toward the form handler program that your host does support. Look under the
FAQs or Support section for 'forms' on your host site.

You can reset the tab setting by selecting each form control > Arrange >
Order > bring to front. Read the last paragraph in this article for
specifics and more information about using a Publisher form:

Publisher web publication forms 101:

Reference: Web forms:

Also you will need to use HTTP uploading protocol if you are indeed using
FPSE. So you can also read:

Reference: How to publish a Publisher web in HTTP:
which works with XP and older.

Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista would apply. FTP uploading has changed with
the introduction of IE7. Pay particular attention to the instructions for
FTP uploading in Vista. You can probably modify these to use HTTP and
mapping a network drive.

Alternatively you might just create your form so it can be printed out,
filled out by hand and FAXed or mailed to you if it is that long.

Good luck. Getting this function to work is going to be a challenge for you.


Rob Giordano [MS MVP]

Have you viewed your website in FF or Chrome or any browser other than IE?
I think you should before you go much further.



Rob brings up an important point. You really should test your site with
FireFox and IE. If you can get yours site to view correctly in both it will
generally work in most of the other common browsers.

Go to tools > Options > web tab and uncheck "rely on vml..." and republish
and a basic cross browser issue will be fixed.



THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR sharing this information. I will try
everything, and try to remember to post the results.

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