publishing a directory



Can someone offer any suggestions for publishing one
directory within a website?

I have a test website that I am creating for a client. The
client's directory is within another directory for the
time being until I transfer it over to his domain.
Basically I have this:

How do I take clientshomepage and publish it so that it is
uploaded to the right directory (clients_directory)? Right
now when I publish it, it goes to the root of my mainsite
directory. I'm assuming I can import my entire mainsite
into FrontPage, but I don't want to do that becuase there
are many directories and files on the server, unrelated to
clients_directory, that I do not want to download locally.

Hopefully this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.

Stefan B Rusynko

If your host support subwebs convert the folder clients_directory to a subweb
(right click in Folder List and select convert to web)
Then double click the new subweb to open it in FP
You can publish the subweb from the root web by publishing the root including subwebs
Or publish the subweb directly using File Publish

If your host supports unique permissions you can even password protect the subweb
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| Hello,
| Can someone offer any suggestions for publishing one
| directory within a website?
| I have a test website that I am creating for a client. The
| client's directory is within another directory for the
| time being until I transfer it over to his domain.
| Basically I have this:
| How do I take clientshomepage and publish it so that it is
| uploaded to the right directory (clients_directory)? Right
| now when I publish it, it goes to the root of my mainsite
| directory. I'm assuming I can import my entire mainsite
| into FrontPage, but I don't want to do that becuase there
| are many directories and files on the server, unrelated to
| clients_directory, that I do not want to download locally.
| Hopefully this makes sense.
| Thanks in advance.

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