I have created my web page in Publisher, chose a Aplus.net to host my web
page and then went through Publisher to publish the web page. I did
everything I was instructed to do but at the very end of the process I got a
message that said "Publisher could not save your web page , check your URL or
network connection". When I asked Aplus.net for help, I was told it had to
do with Publisher and the FTP file. Does anyone know what that means exactly?
page and then went through Publisher to publish the web page. I did
everything I was instructed to do but at the very end of the process I got a
message that said "Publisher could not save your web page , check your URL or
network connection". When I asked Aplus.net for help, I was told it had to
do with Publisher and the FTP file. Does anyone know what that means exactly?