Publishing a web site - Connection Problem.


Wiley Coyote

Have a FP Server (IIS 5.0). DNS setup correctly, NTFS perms, FP Perms and
Write perms on the virtual dir. Host header is correct. One can ping the
URL - so we know that DNS is good. Browser connects to the URL and all is

NOW, when I try to publish to the URL (which did work), I get an errors
indicating that FP cannot connect to the URL on port 80!!! It is on port 80.
Like I said this did work and nothing has changed at all.

Any ideas???


Stefan B Rusynko

Check it you have anything else grabbing port 80 (like Yahoo messenger)

| Have a FP Server (IIS 5.0). DNS setup correctly, NTFS perms, FP Perms and
| Write perms on the virtual dir. Host header is correct. One can ping the
| URL - so we know that DNS is good. Browser connects to the URL and all is
| well.
| NOW, when I try to publish to the URL (which did work), I get an errors
| indicating that FP cannot connect to the URL on port 80!!! It is on port 80.
| Like I said this did work and nothing has changed at all.
| Any ideas???
| Wiley.


I use Naviscope which installs itself as a proxy. If this is running I get
the error you are experiencing. If I remember to close/disable it first,
then it publishes fine. If I get your error, I am forced to reboot to get it
all working again.
* Naviscope is a programme which stopps adverts. It's not been updated in a
while but very stable.

Wiley Coyote

Thanks stefan. No messenger (even MS Messenger) or firewall (MS or Norton)
are running.

A little more information may be helpful:
1) Root web is at
2) Virtual Server at
3) Host header for is correct an on port 80. I changed this
to port 8080 (following up on your tip), same result.

I cannot even access the ROOT web site via IP address! Yet, I can use my
browser okay, in fact this happens to more than one computer, so it kind of
rules out my laptop.

Permissions (for testing purposes are unrestricted, users, admins
iusr_machine, iwam_machine, all have write (IIS) and NTFS FC).

As mentioned, this worked fine until a few days ago.

Very strange.


Wiley Coyote

Bobb, using IE 6.x. No Proxy. I also replied to Stefan's post above with
additional information.


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