The directions and methods for uploading your Publisher web files will vary
based on which version of Publisher you use, which operating system and
which version of IE. This is further complicated by the fact that each host
will vary as to where you upload the Publisher files - the root directory or
folder. The root directory is sometimes a folder called 'public_html" or
something else. Your webhost provides that information. In general you
should check the Support section of your host or the FAQs for instructions
on how and where to upload to your root directory.
If you are using a Publisher 'form' on your website you must use HTTP
uploading protocol, otherwise it is usually easier to use FTP uploading
Here are the most recent directions from MSFT. Reference: Prepare, publish,
and maintain your Publisher Web site:
If you scroll down the above referenced article to the 'Publish a Web site
by using FTP' section, you will see a plus sign by 'How?' click that plus
sign to expand the content. Therein describes the difference in how you use
FTP uploading in XP vs.Vista. Some people have had problems figuring out
this method.
Generally instead of trying to directly upload your files when you 'Publish
to the Web' from Publisher, you will probably find that it easier to do it
in two steps. First when you 'Publish to the Web' direct your web files to
your local computer where you can easily find them, and upload them from
there. There is a section in the above referenced article that explains
this: 'Publish a Web site to a folder on your computer'. Don't forget that
you need to upload both the 'index.htm' file (your home page) and the
'index_files' folder (intact) which contains your other pages and all your
supporting graphic files.
Here is an alternative way: How can I upload files to my site using Internet
Explorer 7?:
Remember that the root directory will vary from host to host so adapt these
instructions accordingly.
I would also suggest that you consider downloading and installing the free
FTP client FileZilla: It is likely to be easier for you in the long
run. By using a dedicated FTP client you will be able to more easily upload
your web files, other external files and manage the files on your web
I would also suggest that you download all the support documentation on this
page and study the directions: It might take you a bit of
time to learn how to use FileZilla but it is a snap to use after you do. And
finally here is a link to some more directions on how to use FileZilla that
has some screenshots: Reference: How do I upload with Filezilla:
Adapt the directions as per your host.