Publishing an Access 97 report to Word truncates fields



Hello there,

I am wondering why when I choose to publish an Access
report to Word that some fields get truncated. These
fields can be text or memo field.

Looking forward to hearing an answer.


Rick Brandt

Jocelyn said:
Hello there,

I am wondering why when I choose to publish an Access
report to Word that some fields get truncated. These
fields can be text or memo field.

Looking forward to hearing an answer.

Basically it's because the Output to RTF functionality in Access is flawed and it
always has been. It can be used for relatively simple tabular data and even then you
need to make all controls a bit wider in your report than you might otherwise, but
any controls in your report that "CanGrow" will suffer truncation under the right

Higher reliability might be achieved by using a mono-spaced font like Courier.

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