Publishing forms to Multiple Org forms libraries

  • Thread starter Zork \(the\) Hun
  • Start date

Zork \(the\) Hun

The forms designer is in the US using US English versions of Windows,
Exchange and Outlook
There is a sattelite office in Mexico using the Spanish version of Outlook.
At this point there is only one Organizational forms library for US English

When I am trying to create a new library, I am given three options for
Spanish: Spanish - Spanish (Mexican) - Spanish (Modern)
My first question is: does it matter which one I chose or does it have to
correspond closely to the setting of the client?

The company does not have the resources to translate the form and the users
in the Mexican office can live with the English language form, but they
cannot open it from their Spanish clients.
The answer is apparently simple - we just have to publish the form from a
Spanish lient, but the question is:
Is there a way to get around that requirement?
Is there a way to copy a form from one library to another (In ESM)?
Since the forms designer would like to keep control of the process, the most
important question is:
Is there a way to publish a form from an English client to a Spanish forms

....... and the bonus question:
No matter how I call the forms library in ESM, the client will always
display it as "Organizational Forms Library" - or the appropriate
translation but not the name I chose when I created the library.
IS there a way to change that?


Zork Hun

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