Publishing Layout: guide lines on later pagesdelete them from earlier ones



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have a template with three master pages (front, left and right), pretty normal usage. I drag three columnar guide rules out onto the front master page (I'll have four 2" columns on the pages, and will rely on text box margins to keep my gutters clean). The other two pages don't have guides yet, so I have to set the same guides for them.

When I drag a guide out for the second master page, and place it at the same location as one in the first master page, the one on the first master page disappears. Likewise, guides on master page 3 delete same-place guides on master page 2.

First I thought this might just be an imaging bug, and that the guides were still really there, but they're gone -- the snap-to hints don't work on the pages where the guides disappear.

This is far from what I expect - I need guides on all my pages. What am I doing wrong?


Hi Gavin -

I'm afraid your observations noted here as well as in your other post are
completely accurate :-(

The only thing I can say is that Pub Layout is a *new* feature in completely
redesigned version of the program. It is undeniably buggy and seriously
lacking in a number of features that one would expect in a page layout
program... But Word is not a page layout program.

I have no doubt that improvements are forthcoming, but when they'll arrive &
what they'll be I have no idea. In the meantime [IMHO] the feature is among
the "not ready for prime time players" and shouldn't even be considered for
professional - or even *somewhat* serious - document design work. I also
doubt that it will ever even compare favorably with the likes of QuarkXPress
or InDesign. I'd sincerely suggest you look elsewhere if you have the need
for true page layout capabilities.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Bob .. I appreciate your candor and will redirect my attention. I've used InDesign in the past, and may return to it for this work, but I was hoping for something 'in between' that high-end app and Word in its non-Pub mode. Again, thanks, you saved me banging my head against this particular wall!! .. Gavin


You might do 2 things....

One - use Help> Send Feedback to register each issue/shortcoming in the
MacBU databank. They do pay attention to what's there.

Second - you might have a look at Apple's Pages (iWork Suite) as a possible
option. I've only nibbled at it since I have InD in several versions & Word
in several versions, but it may at least be an interim solution... And the
price is right at a mere US $79 for the whole package.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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