Publishing Major problem


Alan Donoghue

Fp 2002 running on XP with disk based web on shared drive publishing to
internal server running IIS6 on W2000. I have been publishing a web for 4
years with no problems. out of the blue, my publishing results in major
problems. i use navigation in shared borders. everything looks great in the
Fp client but after publishing, there are no shared boers. moreover, all <a
href> and <img src> tags (an dmaybe others) are all modified to include a
relative reference to the ../borders folder. e.g. <a hre=xx.htm etc> becomes
<a href=..borders/xx.htm>. obviously all images appear as placeholders.

I have republished the web in its entirety, recalcualted hyperlinks,
published to a new, fresh website on the server. No success.

ANy help greatly appreciated.

in desperation.

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