Ok, then here is something else you might try. I am still assuming that you
used the Pub navbar wizard to build the navbar. I propose that you replace
the standard relative links with absolute links.
First of all make a backup copy of your Pub file in case you want to go back
to the original file. Now in the working copy go to the second page of the
publication. Go to Tools > Web Page Options. In this dialog under 'Publish
to the Web' you will find the 'File name' field. This is where you can
custom name each *.htm file, or each page of your web. Assuming that you
have not previously given any pages a custom file name, enter 'Page002.htm'
for the second page and ok out. Go to the third page of the publication and
name that one 'Page003.htm'. Work through your entire publication giving
each page a custom file name. Do not give the first page a custom name as
you will ultimately use index.htm as a default. You do have the option of
using something like 'Contact.htm' or something more descriptive for each
page if you want. The main reason for these custom .htm file names is that
you will want to know what each page ..htm file name is in the next step. If
you don't give each page a custom .htm file name, when you Publish to the
Web, Publisher arbitrarily chooses a number, and that makes it harder to
write an absolute link to each page.
Now that you have give each page a custom file name, go to the first page
and click/select the navbar. Go to Format > Navigation Bar Properties. This
is where you are going to change the relative links on the navbar buttons to
absolute links. Select the second link, or Page002 > Modify Link. In the
Modify link dialog notice that you have 'Place in this document' selected in
the left column. This writes a relative link to a page. So, to change that
to an absolute link select instead 'Existing file or web page'. Now here is
the part you will have to figure out yourself. You need to write a link or
the path to the 'Page002.htm' file where it will be on your server. Figure
this out in advance, and write it in Notepad or something so that you can
just copy and paste it. The link will be something like I said before. If
you are using the supporting folder option:
http://yourdomain.com/index_files/Page001.htm . If you aren't using the
supporting folder:
http://yourdomain.com/index_Page002.htm . Now if you have
a subfolder on your host where you are putting all these files, then include
that in the path, such as
http://yourdomain.com/myfolder/index_Page###.htm .
I hope I am being clear...you want to write a path to where ever you store
the files, but I don't know your directory structure, so can't give you the
exact path.
After you finish editing the link to the second page, go to the third page
and change that link to the full path to the file, etc. This will update the
links to the whole site when you are finished. Publish and upload those new
files and see if they will work.
Good luck.