Carlos G. Caprioglio
I'm using Window 98 SE - and Front Page 2000 V 4.0.2 -I have just finished
my first web page and saved it as "Index.htm". I try to post it on the
server of my ISP "Cox Cable" it has and address of
http://www.members.cox.net/ (then the name of our page)
When I tell the Front Page program to "Publish Web" it takes me through the
steps of asking for the location of where to publish your web to: and I
enter exactly the address, then I tell it to publish all pages overwriting
any already on the destination. When I finally tell it to publish, it asks
me for the "Password" I have for "Cox Cable" and when I enter it, I get the
same request again and again and again for the password with a message that
says: "This operation requires author permission for members.cox.net.80" I
called Cox Cable and they tell me that everything is OK in their side and
that their system is prepared to receive "Front Page" web pages.
My question is. . . . .WHAT AM I DOING WRONG !!!!!!
Your assistance will be appreciated
my first web page and saved it as "Index.htm". I try to post it on the
server of my ISP "Cox Cable" it has and address of
http://www.members.cox.net/ (then the name of our page)
When I tell the Front Page program to "Publish Web" it takes me through the
steps of asking for the location of where to publish your web to: and I
enter exactly the address, then I tell it to publish all pages overwriting
any already on the destination. When I finally tell it to publish, it asks
me for the "Password" I have for "Cox Cable" and when I enter it, I get the
same request again and again and again for the password with a message that
says: "This operation requires author permission for members.cox.net.80" I
called Cox Cable and they tell me that everything is OK in their side and
that their system is prepared to receive "Front Page" web pages.
My question is. . . . .WHAT AM I DOING WRONG !!!!!!
Your assistance will be appreciated