publishing OL forms by using scripts



Hi *,

I've created a new calendar form and saved in .oft format. It's also
published successfully. So far so good.

This form has to be distributed (installed) on several other destop systems
by using an installation procedure. Usually the user has no experiance in
installing form under OL. A server installation is not an option in this case.

Does every body has some tips, tricks and hints about this issue?
Or snipped code?

I did spend a lot of time by searching in web without any success.


Hello Sue,

thanks for your input. Mean while I did check your suggestion (reason why it
took time).

Now, this command string...
m olmyForm.PublishForPersonalRegistry
will install my form into the 'public forms' section in OL. This works like
manual activity
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. On the Other tab, click Advanced Options, click Custom Forms, and then
click Manage Forms. Before you click Install, verify that the correct folder
is showing. If you do not see the correct form, click Set, and then browse
through the additional folders.
3. Click Install. Change the Files of Type box to Form Message (*.fdm),
and then change the Look in box to your floppy drive.
4. Click the form, click Open, and then click OK.

To establish the form to the user. I also have to select the specific form
and destination folder called 'Calendar'. Then use 'COPY' to copy the form
from 'RIGTH' to LEFT' side.

A snipped code will not work well in my case (maybe this is garbage)
myForm.PublishForm olPersonalRegistry, oFolder
....this should copy a folder



Hello Sue,

thanks for your input. Mean while I did check your suggestion (reason why it
took time).

My code...

Sub installForm()
Dim filename As String

Set myOlApp = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application")

' retrieve Outlook Templates
filename = "C:\Xfer\test.oft"

' publish all Outlook forms into the Personal Registry
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(filename)
Set myForm = myItem.FormDescription

myForm.Name = strTemp

myForm.PublishForm olPersonalRegistry

End Sub

This will install my form into the 'public forms' section in OL. This works
like manual activity
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. On the Other tab, click Advanced Options, click Custom Forms, and then
click Manage Forms. Before you click Install, verify that the correct folder
is showing. If you do not see the correct form, click Set, and then browse
through the additional folders.
3. Click Install. Change the Files of Type box to Form Message (*.fdm),
and then change the Look in box to your floppy drive.
4. Click the form, click Open, and then click OK.

To establish the form to the user. I also have to select the specific form
by using 'Properties'...'Folder'...'Personal FOrms'...
....A lot of things to do manually.

A automatic installation/configuration would reduce user faults.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you need ideas on how to make a form easier to launch, see

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Hans-Joachim said:
Hello Sue,

thanks for your input. Mean while I did check your suggestion (reason why it
took time).

My code...

Sub installForm()
Dim filename As String

Set myOlApp = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application")

' retrieve Outlook Templates
filename = "C:\Xfer\test.oft"

' publish all Outlook forms into the Personal Registry
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(filename)
Set myForm = myItem.FormDescription

myForm.Name = strTemp

myForm.PublishForm olPersonalRegistry

End Sub

This will install my form into the 'public forms' section in OL. This works
like manual activity
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. On the Other tab, click Advanced Options, click Custom Forms, and then
click Manage Forms. Before you click Install, verify that the correct folder
is showing. If you do not see the correct form, click Set, and then browse
through the additional folders.
3. Click Install. Change the Files of Type box to Form Message (*.fdm),
and then change the Look in box to your floppy drive.
4. Click the form, click Open, and then click OK.

To establish the form to the user. I also have to select the specific form
by using 'Properties'...'Folder'...'Personal FOrms'...
...A lot of things to do manually.

A automatic installation/configuration would reduce user faults.


Hi Sue,

sorry, for delay.

Thanks for your suggestion, but it didn't cover my could
not solve my problem. Too many manual steps between scripting.
I (we) did decide to skip this issue for the time being.

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