Publishing Pics Mess Up frontpage 02



Whenever I upload pics and then click preview, my pictuures look ok, but when
i publish the web page, the pic dont show. Theres a box around them with a
smaller white box and a red x in it. After I closed frontpage and opened it a
few times, later on, in frontpage normal and preview also messed up and my
pics were gone and i was left with the boxes and x. Plz help

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

1- You need to create a website, not just a loose webpage.
2- Into your website you need to Import your images, then place them into
the layout from within FP.

What's the URL for the site?

| Whenever I upload pics and then click preview, my pictuures look ok, but
| i publish the web page, the pic dont show. Theres a box around them with a
| smaller white box and a red x in it. After I closed frontpage and opened
it a
| few times, later on, in frontpage normal and preview also messed up and my
| pics were gone and i was left with the boxes and x. Plz help


i learned why in frontpage why the box is there because i moved the pics, but
i still neeed help with the rest of it, like why theres that box wen i upload
the file to a host

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

IF you have created a website in FP, AND you are working within FP on your
website, moving any pix will all be taken care of by will adjust the
hyperlinks automatically.

Where's WHAT box when you upload?

|i learned why in frontpage why the box is there because i moved the pics,
| i still neeed help with the rest of it, like why theres that box wen i
| the file to a host
| "GangstaPimp1" wrote:
| > Whenever I upload pics and then click preview, my pictuures look ok, but
| > i publish the web page, the pic dont show. Theres a box around them with
| > smaller white box and a red x in it. After I closed frontpage and opened
it a
| > few times, later on, in frontpage normal and preview also messed up and
| > pics were gone and i was left with the boxes and x. Plz help

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