Publishing problems


Mary Jo Barbosa

I've been trying to publish my web since 7/26. Have half
of it uploaded on the host server which also hosts the
domain name. Using FP98 with Windows XP Pro and AOL on a
Dell Dimension 8300 P4 2.66GHz and 512RAM. I keep
getting time out errors. I know from usergroups there
are publishing problems with AOL and FP and the only
thing AOL told me to do is change my acces phone number
(at the rsik of incurring usage charges-big help). I've
re-installed FP98 (suggested by host). Is there a
workaround for this, do I need to use the PWS or is there
something/other way to publish?
Thanks in advance,
Mary Jo


Go to: (or search for *.web) on your pc, and delete the files that are
associated with your website. Then try it.

C:\Documents and Settings\{username.domain}\Application Data\Microsoft\Web
Server Extensions\Cache

If not, Search for Frontpage Temp folder and delete what's in there.

Post back if it still doesn't work.
Jm (Website Templates) (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!


Thanks for the idea, cleaned out the temp file but still
not working. I don't understand. I was able to upload
all but the last 6 files between 7/26 and 7/27. I've
uninstalled FP98 and re-installed. I've had them re-
install the FP server extensions on the server. I've even
done a system restore to both days and it didn't help. I
have a firewall and I've even opened Port 80 to no avail,
the port wasn't open on 7/26-7/27. Can't tell you how
many times I've re-booted, cold and hot. Cleaned out temp
files, ran a spyware app, ran virus scan-nothing.
Any other suggestions??? I'm desperate.

Stefan B Rusynko

AOL as an ISP has been known to meter service - disconnect you
(especially if it senses you are not "browsing" in the AOL browser)

Also Recommend you contact your host server and find out what they changed since 7/26
- they may be able to increase the timeout

| Thanks for the link though I'm not publishing a personal
| web. I am publishing to a host server with a domain
| name. That's giving me the problems. See my reply to Jim
| to see what I've been through for 2 days-only 4 hours
| sleep in 48hrs.
| MJ
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Have you seen
| scid=kb;en-us;205403
| >
| >--
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
| FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-
| ;
| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| message | >| I've been trying to publish my web since 7/26. Have
| half
| >| of it uploaded on the host server which also hosts the
| >| domain name. Using FP98 with Windows XP Pro and AOL
| on a
| >| Dell Dimension 8300 P4 2.66GHz and 512RAM. I keep
| >| getting time out errors. I know from usergroups there
| >| are publishing problems with AOL and FP and the only
| >| thing AOL told me to do is change my acces phone number
| >| (at the rsik of incurring usage charges-big help).
| I've
| >| re-installed FP98 (suggested by host). Is there a
| >| workaround for this, do I need to use the PWS or is
| there
| >| something/other way to publish?
| >| Thanks in advance,
| >| Mary Jo
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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