I have a form with multiple views. The user is prompted to select a "view" to
fill out. I want to be able to publish/save just the view they filled out &
igrnore the others. Any ideas or samples? Thanks!
I am finding it difficult to understand what you want to do - whether
it is the data or the design related to the view that interests you.
If you want to save just the data from one view that may or may not be
possible depending on the form template design.
If you want to copy the design of a view then simply use Ctrl+A to
select all the controls in a view and then paste to a new view in a
new form template. That captures the look but very likely doesn't
capture the functionality. You would need to hook up a new data source
and possibly make other changes.
Or simply open the form template and delete all the other views and
re-save the form template might be closer to what you want. That is
likely to keep the design and (at least some of the) functionality but
if the form template functionality depends on other views (why else
would they be there?) then something may not work as before.
Can you help me better understand what it is you want to save/publish
and why?
Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath