The Baby Sling Lady
Hi, I having been having trouble publishing my website so I attempted
publishing through FTP. I have never published through ftp before and I
majorly screwed it up and managed to upload everything to my root and deleted
all my files, including email. The support service at my new web host led me
through publishing through FTP properly and I was able to upload my website,
but my index page is now coming up as a 404. I re-created my email but am
not able to receive any messages (my outgoing mail is through a different
server so I am sending fine).
When I was uploading I was prompted with the following message: "The file
'.htaccess' exists on the destination server but does not exist in the
current web site. Would you like FrontPage to remove it
fromftp://thebabyslingshop.co/www?". I clicked "No to all". Last night when
I accidently uploaded to my root I clicked Yes to all. Should I be clicking
yes to all to this prompt now that I am uploading properly? Is that why I
have a 404 for an index page and can't receive email? How can I get my index
page back up? Please help!! Thanks![Smile :) :)]()
publishing through FTP. I have never published through ftp before and I
majorly screwed it up and managed to upload everything to my root and deleted
all my files, including email. The support service at my new web host led me
through publishing through FTP properly and I was able to upload my website,
but my index page is now coming up as a 404. I re-created my email but am
not able to receive any messages (my outgoing mail is through a different
server so I am sending fine).
When I was uploading I was prompted with the following message: "The file
'.htaccess' exists on the destination server but does not exist in the
current web site. Would you like FrontPage to remove it
fromftp://thebabyslingshop.co/www?". I clicked "No to all". Last night when
I accidently uploaded to my root I clicked Yes to all. Should I be clicking
yes to all to this prompt now that I am uploading properly? Is that why I
have a 404 for an index page and can't receive email? How can I get my index
page back up? Please help!! Thanks