It sounds like you are confusing what shows up in the address field of your
browser when you either preview your web page, or open one of the .htm files
that you produce when you Publish to the Web....and what the link path
actually is.
Publish to the Web and generate your web files which would be the index.htm
file (your home page) and the index_files folder which contain all your
other pages and supporting graphics, and direct the output to your computer
where you can find the files. Then double click, or open the index.htm file,
and note that the address shown in the browser will point to your hard
drive...that is where the files are...until you upload them. Even if you do
a web page preview directly from the Publisher file, the address field in
the browser will point to a temp folder on your hard drive. But if you
mouseover any of the links on the page, you should see the correct path in
the status bar...not the address field. In fact if you click on the link
while previewing your site on your computer it will take you to that page on
the internet, not on your computer, as you are using absolute links.
Web Site Properties under File? Web Properties are under File in Publisher
2000. In Publisher 2003, go to Tools > Web Page Options. This is the dialog
where you custom named your page files to page0001.htm and page0101.htm etc.
Also look under Options > Tools > Web tab for other options. With Pub 2003,
uncheck "Rely on VML...", "Allow PNG...", and "Enable incremental
publish..." if you are using FTP uploading protocol.
As to problems uploading again, that might have to do with whatever the
"service bureau" did to upload the current files, which are not produced by
Publisher...or have been hand edited. Open you current home page: and if you are using IE, then go to View >
source and look at the source code of your home page. Compare it to the
source code of : which is a site produced
with Pub 2003. Now do a web page preview of your Pub file, and view the
source and compare. The source code that is posted is not Publisher 2003
html output...or at the minimum it has been edited.
I don't know what the "service bureau" did to your source code, but for you
to update your site you are probably going to have to delete the current
files off your server and publish new ones. Assuming that you are using FTP
uploading, log onto your server and just rename your old Publisher html
files for the short term. Rename index.htm to index.old, and your
index_files folder to index_filesold. Then if you are unable to get your new
files uploaded correctly, you can rename them again to their original names
and you will have your site back. Once you get your new files uploaded and
working correctly, then you can safely delete the old files.
If you are perhaps using a form on your site that requires FPSE that of
course requires HTTP uploading. And in which case you again have a problems.
Your FPSE are not working.
If you are having problems uploading, then reference: Prepare, publish, and
maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista also would apply to Pub 2003. FTP and HTTP
uploading has changed with the introduction of IE7 and Vista.
If you are using forms in your web publication, reference: Publisher web
publication forms 101:
Reference: How to publish a Publisher web in HTTP:
Note the difference if you are using IE7 as above.
How to trouble-shoot Publisher web upload issues :
If you choose to use FTP uploading then consider downloading and installing
the free FTP client FileZilla: It is likely to be easier for you in the long
Good luck.