Publishing to Web



I have never done this before and my host provider was not helpful. I am
trying to publish a new site, done on '07, to the web. I tried to follow the
instructions in the help menu but it did not work. Can you please provide me
the instructions on how to accomplish this?

Don Schmidt

I use Publisher 2000 and the uploading to the server is a bit different than
how it is done in 07. Someone will no doubt be along with better
instructions but in the meantime, 07 sites are uploaded by "Publishing to
the web" and I think you need to upload an Index folder and an Index file;
this a bit of a guess.

I'm assuming you know how to enter your logon and password to gain access to
your space on the server.


When you Publish to the Web in Pub 2003 and 2007, you will get an index.htm
file and an index_files folder. The index.htm file is the home page, and is
not contained in the index_files folder which contains the other pages in
site and the supporting graphics. You should upload both.

You don't say how you are uploading, so reference these sites for further

Reference: How to publish a Publisher web in HTTP:

If you are using forms in your web publication, reference: Publisher web
publication forms 101:

If you choose to use FTP uploading then consider downloading and installing
the free FTP client FileZilla: It is likely to be easier for you. Take the
time to also download the excellent documentation and read it.

Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista would apply. FTP uploading has changed with
the introduction of IE7.



Thank you. I pusblished the site to the web using FTP. Now I have another
question. I have several links to Excel, Word, and PDF docs which work in EI7
but not EI6. I do not know if they work in other bowsers. I have reviewed the
other postings on this and thought I had followed the instructions properly.
Is there a different processs for Pub 07 or something I may have missed? The
web site is if you need to review.


You are writing the links incorrectly, and it has nothing to do with the
browser. If you go to and
mouseover the links to the various documents, and look at the status bar at
the bottom of your browser, you will see the links are pointing to your C
drive on YOUR computer, not the web server.

My suggestion is to create a subfolder on your website at the same level as
the index.htm and index_files folder, called "downloads". Then upload the
files you want available to download to that folder. Then your links would
be written as: Try to avoid
spaces in your file names.

You said you read other postings, but you apparently missed this one:

Including external files in a Publisher web :


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