Publishing w/username & password prompt



I am using FP2002 and when I go to my website and click
the "edit w/frontpage" button, the page opens in FP2002
with no problem and I can make my changes. However, when I
click the publish button, one of two things happen:

1. The page publishes without prompting me for a username
& password -- this is a problem (I want to be prompted).
How can I set this up??

2. I sometimes get the error message that I have to
publish to a web that is not open. What causes this??

Any help would be appreciated.

Tom Pepper Willett

If you are talking about publishing from your client to the online web, or
when opening the online web, and you don't get a password screen, you need
to contact your host. Since you can't publish a web to itself, you won't
get a password prompt since it's already open.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

| Thanks!! What about the other issue I mentioned -- how can
| I be prompted for a username and password when I do a
| publish from frontpage?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >You are already working on your live web, and when you
| save the changes,
| >that's all you have to do. You don't publish it, because
| it's already
| >there. You can't publish a web to itself.
| >--
| >------------------------------
| >Tom Pepper Willett
| >Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >------------------------------
| >| >| I am using FP2002 and when I go to my website and click
| >| the "edit w/frontpage" button, the page opens in FP2002
| >| with no problem and I can make my changes. However,
| when I
| >| click the publish button, one of two things happen:
| >|
| >| 1. The page publishes without prompting me for a
| username
| >| & password -- this is a problem (I want to be prompted).
| >| How can I set this up??
| >|
| >| 2. I sometimes get the error message that I have to
| >| publish to a web that is not open. What causes this??
| >|
| >| Any help would be appreciated.
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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