Pull down list empty but not empty.


Scott Burke

I have a field that has a lookup at the table lievel.

Normaly when you clidk in the field you see a list:
List : EmpIN, Fname, Lname
Emplyoee Init, First name, Last Name

Every once in a while the pull donw list does NOT show a list BUT there is a
list in the pull down box. You can even select an iteam in the list. Of
course you dont know what you are selecting.

Most of the time Compact / repair fixes this but not this time.

Anyone else have this problem?

Scott Byrke

Scott Burke

Personaly. I agree.
I am maintaining a program that someone else wrote.

Scott Burke

Larry Daugherty

Duane gave you a good reference for not using Lookup Fields in tables.
If you google on "John W. Vinson" and "Lookup" you may find his
concise algorithm for remediating those fields. Do it now and save
yourself tons of grief later.

Competent developers usually end up supporting their own creations so
long as they remain with that employer or client. The fact that
you're supporting that thing developed by someone else suggests that
s/he is not competent or is gone. Likely it's yours forever so you'll
get the best mileage by fixing it now. Explain to whomever in
management you need that you must do it now and that you must fix
everything that was built atop those tables before you can go ahead.


Scott Burke

Hi Larry,
I agree with you on every level. By luck this software is going
to be replaced by Oct 1. Rebuild is not worth the time. I was wondering if
this is a common problem with Access or did I find a bug M$ decied not to
deal with?

Scott Burke


Did you try compacting a repairing the database?

Before I saw the light with regard to the evils of lookup fields, I came
across similar problems. Usually, a quick C&R did the trick.

- Jeff

Scott Burke

Hi Curis,
This time C&R worked. The last time it did not work. Had to
restore from tape. Lost 1 day worth of work.

Scott Burke

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