Pull Down listing



I've got a ss that has a pull down listing that is
corrupted. I would like ot fix it but I can't figure out
how it works. Can someone point me to the right place.
Appreciate it.

PS - tried using help but "that program is not
responding" per the task master. Will re-load sometime


PTT, Inc.

It might have been done using VBA and a combobox control or it could be
using Data Validation. Is it actually a cell with an arrow to the right?
If so, click inside the cell, click the "Data" menu and select
"Validation...". This will tell you if it is a typed list or if it relates
to a range of cells somewhere else on your sheet. Either go to the cell
range and "fix" what you want or change the values types in the "Source"

Bill Foley


Bill - thanks. I couldn't remember that to save my life.
The fix now works perfectly. Ozzie

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