Pull information based on a range of numbers



Ok I'm very novice at coding ect. I don't even know if this is possible to do
but I don't see why it wouldn't be. This is my situation. I am trying to make
a budget that will pull up predetermend descriptoins/amounts and format a due
date based on information stored in another worksheet. But I want to be able
to use this inforamtion to pull to multipal small tables. I'll try to

Say this is the Database worksheet:
Day: Descrption: Amount:
1 Rent 450
13 Credit Card 25
23 Cell Phone 95
26 Car Payment 325
30 Insurance 145

I want it to be pulled to another worksheet based upon a date range.. Say..
I got payed on April 14th. I would want all my bills that I would have to pay
that are between April 14th and April 28th to populate in the table. So it
would return that I need to pay my Cell Phone and Car Payment and the amounts
for both.

Tom Ogilvy

You should be able to do that with a pivot table in the destination worksheet.

Another approach would be using an advanced filter with the copy to another
location option.

both of these are found under the Data menu.

Obviously code is always an option as well.


I accually ended up playing around with it for a while longer (I think about
2 more hours of fiddleing learning differnt functions).. got it finally using
INDEX array with SMALL to pick them one by one. =] Thank you though answer
was fast and good.

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