I think that makes sense, but let me rephrase it to make
sure I've got it.
You have two controls on the form that you want to
use to filter the report's data. The start and end date
controls are to be used to select report records if the
table start and end date interval overlaps the form
start and end date interval.
A common way to open a report is to use a command button on
the form. If my understanding of your question is correct,
the button's Click event procedure will use this kind of
Dim strDoc As String
Dim strWhere As String
strDoc = "name of the report"
strWhere = "[start date field] <= " & _
Format(Me.[end date control], "\#yyyy\/m\/d\#") & _
" And [end date field]" >= " & _
Format(Me.[start date control], "\#yyyy\/m\/d\#")
DoCmd.OpenReport strDoc, acViewPreview, , strWhere
Ok, I have two controls on my form Start Date and End Date. I need to place
these two fields from the table to a query so that on a report, I can pull it
by inputting the Start Date and End Date. When I pull a query the two
controls from the form are on the query as two separate fields (not problem).
To show them as two fields on the report is fine (no problem) but I don't
know how to use the two fields as criteria for beginning and ending date for
pulling the report is the problem.
Is that making sense or am I totally explaining this wrong?
Stockwell43 wrote:
On my form I have a Start Date field and a End Date field to represent the
start and end of monthly premium coverage. The problem I am having is, how do
I pull a report using the start date and end date when they are two different
fields? I am use to the beginning and end date being from one field not two
so I am totally lost. If this can be accomplished, any help would be most
That's rather confusing.
What do you want to do with the start and end dates?
Note that **fields** are in tables and queries. The things
on forms are **controls**, so when you say "On my form I
have a Start Date field and a End Date field", it is either
irrelevant (because what's displayed on the form won't have
anything to do with a report) or you meant to convey some
information that I can not determine from your words.