How can I pull up to a set number of characters from a cell without cutting
off a word? I have several cells that contain more than 50 characters, but
the database I am importing these cells to has a limit of 50 characters for
that field. I can put anything over 50 charaters in additional fields, but I
do not want to cut off words.
For example I have a cell that contains: 11 x 8-1/2, 80# Patient Education
Shell #501324 CREAM. If I just do a LEFT(A2,50) it leaves off the EAM in
CREAM. I want it to leave off the whole word and put it in a different cell.
Make sense? Is this possible?
off a word? I have several cells that contain more than 50 characters, but
the database I am importing these cells to has a limit of 50 characters for
that field. I can put anything over 50 charaters in additional fields, but I
do not want to cut off words.
For example I have a cell that contains: 11 x 8-1/2, 80# Patient Education
Shell #501324 CREAM. If I just do a LEFT(A2,50) it leaves off the EAM in
CREAM. I want it to leave off the whole word and put it in a different cell.
Make sense? Is this possible?