Pulling Array from InputBox




I would like a default "array" in my input box:

vLBDays = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter LB horizons (in rollovers):",
Title:="Lookback Horizons", Default:="{05,10,20}", Type:=64)

but I cannot get it to work without the brackets. If the user wants
anything other than the default values, he must include brackets which is
annoying and time consuming.

Any ideas?



vLBDays = Split( Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter LB horizons (in rollovers):",Title:="Lookback Horizons", Default:="05,10,20", Type:=64),","

This does not check for Cancel being clicked or OK being clicked with no content in the input box-I am sure you can modify the code to cope with this

Split(string,"delimiter") converts string into an array splitting the string at "delimiter" locations): this array is zero based irrespective of Option Base setting.

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