Pulling data from database



Hey all,
Once again I'm back asking for help.
I have a form were my dad enters data about fruit he is taking to the
farmers market. It then goes to the database. When he returns home I would
like to create a form that allows him to choose from a combo box the market
he attended would probable need to enter the data as well. Then from his
choice, in a list box the info he entered into the database would come up for
thatparticular Market and date. It would contain the differant fruit taken, #
of boxes, price/lb. Looking at this info., he would add any waste, unsold
boxes or change the price/lb.
So, the question. I have no idea how to get the info into the list box.
He chooses Pico (market) 5-6-05 (date)
In the list box pulling from the database up pops:
ID Fruit Variety Market Boxes Taken Weight
Price/LB. Etc.
4 Grapes Pico 15 10.25
6 Peaches Pico 10 10.
12 Cherries Pico 3 8

Any ideas? Thank you so much in advance. Is it possible to change the info
in the listbox? Thanks again, Jennifer

Tom Ogilvy

The listbox should have no rowsource assignment

assume the market name is in column A and the remainder of the data to the

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
Dim rng as Range, cell as Range
Dim i as Long
Listbox1.ColumnCount = 8
set rng = Worksheets("Data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
set rng = rng.offset(1,0).Resize(rng.rows.count,1)
for each cell in rng
if cell.Value = Combobox1.Value then
listbox1.AddItem cell.offset(0,1)
for i = 1 to 7
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,i) = cell.offset(0, i + 1).Value
End if

End sub

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