Pulling data


Greg KY

I have a xsl file with two sheets One is named data and other is named info
lets say.
On the data sheet lets say there is cell a1:z50000
I need to pull every cell in a row that c3:C5000 matches up with A1 on the
info sheet.

I just want to type in lets say mike in A1 on the info sheet. in cell a2 to
what ever it will pull all cells from the data sheet that that matches A1 on
the info sheet to data on c3:c5000 on the data sheet. I need some help on
this one. Thanks


Source data in cols A to Z of sheet: data,
data from row3 down, key col = col C

In the other sheet: info,
Input value for the key col C will be made in A1

In B1: =IF($A$1="","",IF(data!C3=$A$1,ROW(),""))
Copy B1 down to cover the max expected extent of source data in the key col
C of "data", say down to B5000?

In C1:
Copy C1 across by 26 cols to AB1, then fill down by the smallest range large
enough to cover the max expected return lines per particular input in A1, say
down to AB100? The required results will appear in cols C to AB.
Minimize/hide col B.
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