I have a field name, in a table, with the data type as Date/Time.
I'm trying to create a query where if the field is empty, then return those
records of rows. I've already created a query if there is a date present,
"<>0", and that works fine. But when I create a query where the date, "=0",
then I get nothing. The input mask is 99/99/0000;0;_ if that means anything.
Can anyone help?
I have a field name, in a table, with the data type as Date/Time.
I'm trying to create a query where if the field is empty, then return those
records of rows. I've already created a query if there is a date present,
"<>0", and that works fine. But when I create a query where the date, "=0",
then I get nothing. The input mask is 99/99/0000;0;_ if that means anything.
Can anyone help?