Pulling Last Balance


Jason P

One sheet (we'll call it "Savings") is a running balance of bank
transactions... no problem.

The next sheet is a sheet with the months of the year in Col. A.

In Col. B I want to pull the last transaction from the Savings for that
month... however not to exceed the end of that month.

For instance, let's say I entered a deposit on 3/24/09 on Savings and my
balance is $100. The next transaction I entered is on 4/02/09 and my balance
is $200.
On Sheet 2 (Account Totals) I want $100 to correspond with the March column,
and $200 for the April column. Thus, I can chart ups and downs...

I tried:

(VLOOKUP(SAVINGS!(DATEVALUE("4/01/09")), C3:H999, 6, 1)<(DATEVALUE("5/01/09"),
(VLOOKUP(SAVINGS!(DATEVALUE("4/01/09")), C3:H999, 6, 1),

However, it's pulling the next month's info... because VLOOKUP is pulling
the next to highest number not equal to that month... the month before.

Any suggestions?
I'm rackin' my brain here.

Jason P

I tried something like this but all i keep getting is "son of a...", what I
entered if the statement was false... anything wrong with my syntax here?

"son of a...")

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