HI I have a little question that I would very much like some help with
I have a toolbar in word and when moving the mouse over a button I hav
some sentences that I can insert into the document. The are made wit
macros that are recorded but I would like to update this and add mor
without having to add these from/in the vba.
When I click a sentence in one languge the sentence is inserted i
English in my word document. If I move my cursor over the sentence thi
is translated with the comment.
What I would like is to pulle these macros from a text file o
something and be able to add more sentence in a nice and easy way.
This is the macro I use for inserting a sentence with comment:
Sub DendanskeambassadeiWashington()
' DendanskeambassadeiWashington Makro
' Makro indspillet 27-01-2004 af
' "&chr(10)&"lgr
Selection.TypeText Text:= _
"The Danish Embassy in Washington has recommended that w
contact you. "
Selection.Comments.Add Range:=Selection.Range
Selection.TypeText Text:="Den danske ambassade i Washington ha
anbefalet, at vi kontakter Dem."
End Sub
When I start on a letter there are a guide (form) where I can inser
data on who the letter is for and so on and when clicking ok the dat
is inserted. I have made it so that I can write these data in a tex
file and read them everytime the document is run. I belive that this i
a little like what I have to make for the pulling of the buttons a dat
or perhaps I am wrong.
This is what I use for reading data to my starting data screen where
can insert the data and the data from the text file is loaded.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim iLin As Integer ' a counter for lines
Dim sTxt As String ' the text from a line
Open "c:\easyletters\config.txt" For Input As #1
For iLin = 1 To 2 ' in case there are 5 lines
Input #1, sTxt ' get the text from the line
' MsgBox sTxt ' for testing
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsendernavn.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderadresse.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderpostby.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderland.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsendertlf.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderfax.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderemail.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderwww.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtvoresref.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtnavn.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
cbostilling.Text = sTxt
' or
'Input #1, sTxt
'TextBox2.Text = sTxt
Close #1
End Sub
Hope U understand what I mean !
Any help would make me so happy
Kind Regards
Lars Gravese
I have a toolbar in word and when moving the mouse over a button I hav
some sentences that I can insert into the document. The are made wit
macros that are recorded but I would like to update this and add mor
without having to add these from/in the vba.
When I click a sentence in one languge the sentence is inserted i
English in my word document. If I move my cursor over the sentence thi
is translated with the comment.
What I would like is to pulle these macros from a text file o
something and be able to add more sentence in a nice and easy way.
This is the macro I use for inserting a sentence with comment:
Sub DendanskeambassadeiWashington()
' DendanskeambassadeiWashington Makro
' Makro indspillet 27-01-2004 af
' "&chr(10)&"lgr
Selection.TypeText Text:= _
"The Danish Embassy in Washington has recommended that w
contact you. "
Selection.Comments.Add Range:=Selection.Range
Selection.TypeText Text:="Den danske ambassade i Washington ha
anbefalet, at vi kontakter Dem."
End Sub
When I start on a letter there are a guide (form) where I can inser
data on who the letter is for and so on and when clicking ok the dat
is inserted. I have made it so that I can write these data in a tex
file and read them everytime the document is run. I belive that this i
a little like what I have to make for the pulling of the buttons a dat
or perhaps I am wrong.
This is what I use for reading data to my starting data screen where
can insert the data and the data from the text file is loaded.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim iLin As Integer ' a counter for lines
Dim sTxt As String ' the text from a line
Open "c:\easyletters\config.txt" For Input As #1
For iLin = 1 To 2 ' in case there are 5 lines
Input #1, sTxt ' get the text from the line
' MsgBox sTxt ' for testing
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsendernavn.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderadresse.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderpostby.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderland.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsendertlf.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderfax.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderemail.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtafsenderwww.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtvoresref.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
txtnavn.Text = sTxt
Input #1, sTxt
cbostilling.Text = sTxt
' or
'Input #1, sTxt
'TextBox2.Text = sTxt
Close #1
End Sub
Hope U understand what I mean !
Any help would make me so happy
Kind Regards
Lars Gravese