Purchase Order from a list box


Will G

I have a report situation,

i want to print a PO report that has the VendorName, ItemName and Quantity.

on my Click Print action for this report, i set the criteria to be OrderNo
since i am selecting from a list box. however, i am getting repeated
ItemNames on my PO reports and that's because if i select multiple Orders
with same line Items, it will repeate the item.
summary: if i dont include OrderNo on my report's RowSource query, i will
get an error and this because i use OrderNo as a criteria on my click print

the query that's the row source to my PO report has the field name OrderNo.
if i dont include it in this query i get an error because it's the criteria
that i used in my click print action.

anyone has an idea to go around this? it's this a common problem?

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