Purchase Order Tracking


Dutch Lady

I have been asked to design a database that will track all purchase order
information. Purchase Orders are created in Excel. How can I have Excel
automatically add a new record to the Access database each time that a PO is

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Van T. Dinh

You will need to write VBA code in Excel to add a new Record into Access
whenever a new row in added into Excel. Perhaps, you need to re-post the
question in one of the Excel newsgroups.

OTOH, it may be easier for you to do everything in Access rather than Excel
+ Access since Access is the proper tool for a database application.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Dutch Lady

Thank you for your answer. I had thought of doing everything in Access, but
it is actually easier to print out PO's from Excel. I had not realized that
I would have to write a code for each new ROW.

In my mind the one sheet was one PO, and all of that info would be ONE new
record - splitting into a new record in a PO table with an entry for the
Vendor, Date, PO Number, then tied into a relationship with another table for
new records for each of the items ordered.

VBA functions are something that I am just beginning to dwelve into; where
would I find formulas to adapt into this plan? Thanks again

Van T. Dinh

Are you using the Excel spreadsheet as the Linked Table in your Access
database? If that the case, the data reside in the Excel file you avialable
in the Access database for read-only (for later versions of Office, you
cannot modify data in Excel using Linked Tables in Access).

Purchase order printing is the usual stuff that Access can handle with ease.
Please have a look at the Invoice Report (i.e. the "other side" of purchase
order which is essntially the same thing) in the sample database "NorthWind"
that comes with your Access software.

Dutch Lady

THANK YOU! I will locate that Northwind data base and look at all the
formulas and relationships. I know that will help.

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