Hi, Whatever Your Name Is:
My website?? You're right, my website doesn't offer any way to purchase
Oh... You mean the "Microsoft" Website?
(None of the people you see
in here work for Microsoft, and the corporation does not own us ...)
Well I would have thought the "How to buy" link on the front page of the
Microsoft Mactopia website would have been what you wanted:
But I STRONGLY advise you NOT to try to buy Word on its own. You can, but
you will regret it for the rest of your days
You will lose a lot of functionality and you will save only about 20 bucks.
The reason the standalone package is hard to find right now is that Office
is about to be replaced: what you are seeing are run-out specials; shops
won't be ordering new stock they will get stuck with when the new version
comes out. And the standalone never was popular, because it was a lousy
Let me give you a simplistic explanation: Microsoft Office is built like a
car -- you get an "Engine" which does the work, and a set of "user
interfaces" that provide the steering wheel and dashboard. Just as you can
buy the same car with a variety of bodies and a variety of brand-names,
Office has a user interface for Word, one for Excel, one for PowerPoint,
etc. Whichever one you buy, you're basically getting the same engine, with
different "pretties". So if you buy Word stand-alone, you get the engine,
but you won't be able to use half of it because the dashboard controls are
If I were you, I would hit eBay and find the cheapest price you can on the
full version of Microsoft Office. DON'T waste money on the "Professional"
version unless you are on a PowerPC Mac -- the Professional version contains
a copy of Virtual PC and a copy of Windows XP, but they will run only on
PowerPCs. You can run Windows XP native on Intel Macs.
And yes, it's an easy upgrade: stick the CD in the Hole and let it do its
thing. It should find and offer to remove Office 2001 for you. I suggest
that you allow it to do that: otherwise you will get a bit of confusion
about which version starts
Hope this helps