Pure HTML Formatting in Mailto code



Has anyone know how to code in javascript for mailto code with the HTML
formatting to clients (not in ASP/PHP/.NET coding, normal HTML coding

I'm trying to send a tell-a-friend form with referee emails attached to
the bcc field. However, I need to know how to send a HTML email through
this email....

I've open the Outlook correctly however, it seems that the Outlook that
I open with the code display in rich text formatting instead of HTML
formatting though I'm not specifying anything for the formatting in the

Here is the snippet of the code:

var to = "";
var subject = "Testing email, please do not reply";
var body =
"Testing email only......";
var bcc1 = document.formname.fieldname1.value;
var bcc2 = document.formname.fieldname2.value;
var bcc3 = document.formname.fieldname3.value;
var bcc4 = document.formname.fieldname4.value;
var bcc5 = document.formname.fieldname5.value;
if (!bcc1.length=='')
if (!bcc2.length=='')
if (!bcc3.length=='')
if (!bcc4.length=='')
if (!bcc5.length=='')
var bcc = bcc1 + ", " + bcc2 +
", " + bcc3 + ", " + bcc4 + ", "
+ bcc5;
var bcc = bcc1 + ", " + bcc2 +
", " + bcc3 + ", " + bcc4;
var bcc = bcc1 + ", " + bcc2 + ", " +
var bcc = bcc1 + ", " + bcc2;
var bcc = bcc1;
var doc = "mailto:" + to +
"?bcc=" + bcc +
"&subject=" + escape(subject) +
"&body=" + escape(body);

window.location = doc;


Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

No. You'd need client side script that automates the Outlook Object Model to
specify HTML formatting.

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