Purge Old Records


Tom Ellison

Dear J:

Access does not explicitly keep track of which records are "old" and
which are not. The first step would be to create your own, custom
definition of which rows are "old" and which are not. Each table
would have it's own definition of this, although some tables may be
dependent on other tables and use their definition.

After doing this, you would need to write a series of delete queries
that remove the desired records in a sequence that doesn't violate the
referential integrity of the database (assuming referential integrity
has been implemented).

If this doesn't sound like a perfect project for a novice, you're
correct! Manipulating a database like this is potentially dangerous,
so keep a backup of the way it was initially!

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

J. Johnson

Thank you, Tom.

Tom Ellison said:
Dear J:

Access does not explicitly keep track of which records are "old" and
which are not. The first step would be to create your own, custom
definition of which rows are "old" and which are not. Each table
would have it's own definition of this, although some tables may be
dependent on other tables and use their definition.

After doing this, you would need to write a series of delete queries
that remove the desired records in a sequence that doesn't violate the
referential integrity of the database (assuming referential integrity
has been implemented).

If this doesn't sound like a perfect project for a novice, you're
correct! Manipulating a database like this is potentially dangerous,
so keep a backup of the way it was initially!

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

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