Purpose of duration units.



All of sudden, I got this question. Why there are many different types of duration units, such as minute, hour, day, week,

month. I would love to know the purpose of changing duration units. I think they are there, because they have all different

purpose. It would be greatful if I can get the purpose of each units.


The "purpose" is simply convenience. Project calculates all time related
data in minutes however, most poeple don't set up schedule plans in
minutes - it just isn't convenient, particularly if most of the
performance tasks take hours, weeks or months to complete. Each Duration
dimension is a simple multiple of the basic unit (minutes) and Project
uses the Project calendar as the "converter" (i.e. 1 day = 8 hours, 1 wk
= 5 days = 40 hours, etc based on the default working calendar).

Hope this helps.

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