Roger said:
First of all, I don't want to sound pedantic, but there is no such thing as
multiple primary keys. A table can have only one primary key. This key can
be composed of multiple fields in which case it is a Compound Primary Key
OK, the biggest reason to create a compound primary key in a junction table
is that a Primary Key is automatically indexed by Access.
I don't want to sound pedantic, but do you mean the index created by
Access or do you actually mean Jet? As you know, terms and definitions
are important <g>, as is identifying the correct component. For
example, when I've created FOREIGN KEYs using Access and/or DAO, I've
run into problems where Access/DAO, not Jet, has created indexes
implicitly which caused problems because I was also expecting to
explicitly create my own, leading to duplication etc. This doesn't seem
to happen when using SQL DDL via the OLE DB provider.
I think you meant that *Jet* creates the index associated with the
PRIMARY KEY (the clustered index, discussed elsewhere?) but I'm not
entirely sure. If you do indeed mean Access creates an index, is this a
duplication of the Jet index? Thanks in advance for your clarification.
As an aside, do you ever use Jet's 'fast foreign keys' i.e. using
FOREIGN KEY NO INDEX in the DDL? If would seem to be relevant to this
thread but it's not something I've used in earnest.