Dale said:
I am working with a database and it does the following query
update [giant eagle weekly data].weeknumber = [giant eagle weekly
Weeknumber is a number field. What is this doing?
It's generating an error message as written.
Now if it said:
update [giant eagle weekly data]
SET [giant eagle weekly data].weeknumber = [giant eagle weekly
Then the result might depend on if there was an open form with the name
"giant eagle weekly data" containing a control named "weeknumber".
If such an open form existed, then it MIGHT set the weeknumber field in
all the records to the value contained by that "weeknumber" control. Or
it might raise an error about ambiguous object names. I'm not sure about
this and I have better things to do than go test it.
If no such form existed, then the query would set the weeknumber in each
field to the value already contained in the field ... essentially doing