"Push" task info?


Bill Meacham

How can I "push" task information from one project to another? Here is what
my client wants:

1) An end user updates the finish date (scheduled finish date or actual
finish) of a task in project A.

2) This triggers an update to the scheduled finish date of a task in
project B.

I know you could do this by including project A in project B as an included
subproject, but there are reasons we do not want to do that in Project
Server. Is there any other way to do it?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Bill --

Why don't you want to do this in Project Server? You simply need to create
a temporary master project which contains the two projects as subprojects.
Once you have created this temporary master project, expand the two
subprojects and then set your external dependencies between the tasks in
each project. Then close the master project without saving it, but when
prompted about saving the subprojects, click the Yes to All button. That's
all you need to do. Now, how hard was that? Hope this helps.

Bill Meacham

OK, but we want a permanent link. If we do not save the master project, then
are the two subprojects still linked?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Bill --

The links are permanent, and are stored in each of the subprojects. The
master project is simply a temporary vehicle for establishing the links
easily. Hope this helps.

Bill Meacham

Actually, now I have another question. If we ever wanted to remove the links
between the two suprojects, how would we do it, not having saved the master?

Also, what would be the effect of saving, but not publishing, the master?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Bill --

Recreate the temporary master project, remove the links, close but do not
save the master project, and then save each of the subprojects. Hope this

Kevin W Flanagan


You can also use external predecessors or successors in Project Sewerver
schedules. THe help file has an excellent explanation as well as Dales site
has a short tutorial on how to set these links up. No master project.

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