Put an Outlook contact in an Excel cell?


Laura \( '_' \)

Just try Insert, then Hyperlink

Laura..... :)
Liverpool, England

"Do you know where you're going to?"
: I am building an Excel list, and would like to put into a cell in Excel a
: reference or hyperlink to the Outlook contact for that record. I have
: dragging the Outlook contact into the Excel cell, but that doesn't work.
: Is there a way to do what I want?
: Thanks!
: Jeremy


I am building an Excel list, and would like to put into a cell in Excel a
reference or hyperlink to the Outlook contact for that record. I have tried
dragging the Outlook contact into the Excel cell, but that doesn't work.

Is there a way to do what I want?




I am interested in what Jeremy is trying to do. However, entirely new to
Excel, I don't follow your brief directions ... Could you elaborate step by
step... as I do not understand the hyperlink procedure



Laura \( '_' \)

Hiya Jeremy
In the excel spreadsheet, go to the toolbar (where it has File, Edit, etc).
Click on Insert.
Then scroll down those options and go on Hyperlink.
Then type in the web address link and click OK.
This should then add a web address onto your spreadsheet, which will look
like this www.example.com.
You can then click on that link and it will take you to the site :)

Hope that explains everything??

Laura..... :)
Liverpool, England

: Laura:
: I am interested in what Jeremy is trying to do. However, entirely new to
: Excel, I don't follow your brief directions ... Could you elaborate step
: step... as I do not understand the hyperlink procedure
: thanks
: Jerry
: : > Just try Insert, then Hyperlink
: > :eek:)
: >
: > --
: > @---}--
: > Laura..... :)
: > Liverpool, England
: >
: > "Do you know where you're going to?"
: > : > : I am building an Excel list, and would like to put into a cell in
: > a
: > : reference or hyperlink to the Outlook contact for that record. I have
: > tried
: > : dragging the Outlook contact into the Excel cell, but that doesn't
: > :
: > : Is there a way to do what I want?
: > :
: > : Thanks!
: > :
: > : Jeremy
: > :
: > :
: >
: >

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