Put out numbers that are different?



I ran into a problem I have no solution for - I hope one of you has.

I have column A filled with certain numbers, some are the same, som
are different. (see example.xls)

I would like to put out all numbers to column B, that are different.
Ie: "93-1122" is 7 times in col A - I want it, along with all othe
numbers, to show up in col B..just once.

How would I be doing that? :confused:

Thanks in advance

|Filename: Example.zip
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4646


Put a column heading in A1, and then click in any cell in the range and
do Data/Filter/Advanced Filter. Choose Copy Unique Records only and put
B1 in the Copy To field.
N.B. Excel sees the entries in column A as text (931122 would be a
number but 93-1122 is a text in the same way that 93A1122 is). However
that doesn't affect the Filter. It's just FYI.

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