Put photo on the tabcontrol's 1st tab


Frank Situmorang


The first tab of my tabconrol is genereal information. I have a form to
input the data of photo which is to input the imagepath and I have tested it
runs ok.

The primary key of my member table is Autonumber and I linked it with my
image tabtle with the same name of the field in order to autofill the primary
key of the image table ( the relationship is one to one then).

My problem when I put this form as a subform in genereal infromation, it
does not work. The member sequence number becomes auto number, while on the
form itself I have already put the number, the same as number in the
membership table, since I link it in order to put the full name on the Image

My question is what is the best way to put a photo in this this 1st tab,
since we need to see the photo for each member. I need to tell you that I use
single form, It is not like the sampel of address, but I put the name of the
detail where tab ontorl is put on, so every member we can know:
1. General information on 1st tab ( I want to put photo also under genereal
2. How his membership was accpeted on 2nd tab
3. How his membership quit on 3rd tab

I appreciate your help

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